April Update

God Is Doing Cool Things!

A lot has happened in the last month! Jubilee has grown from 8 pounds 11oz to a gloriously chubby 12 and a half pounds. Our team started a Worship Night that is happening weekly on Fridays. We are adjusting to parenthood and life as a family of three. We are meeting twice a week with our teammates Lucas and Sara to pray, worship and plan together. Jubilee attended her first Sunday at church and we successfully extended our visa. What a full month! 

We just hosted our third week of Friday night worship. They have been so sweet each time and Jesus is continuing to show up in incredible ways. Many people have been touched by God's presence and some even experienced healing. We've had about 12-25 people attend each time.

Most of the people attending are a part of a church we recently connected with called Bright Romance (click here to check out their YouTube channel). Bright Romance is an all-Thai church that is seeing a move of God where many people are coming to know Jesus. This is the first time we have seen a church so open to the Holy Spirit and growing so quickly, here in Thailand. The people coming to our worship nights are so hungry for the presence of God and His word. It has been humbling and inspiring to witness their passion and excitement for their newfound faith. They are eager for discipleship and we as a team have been praying for God to send us people to Disciple, what an exciting answer to our prayer. 

 We would like to officially introduce our teammates, Lucas, Sara, Tito and (soon to arrive) Mallu, to you. We met Lucas and Sara in early 2020 here in Thailand. They are from Brazil and also with Iris Global.
We are excited about this partnership with them and the beginning stages of establishing Iris Thailand.

In other news, we successfully extended our visa! After 6 hours spent at immigration (with Jubilee, who was a champ and slept almost the whole time!) and a hiccup regarding our marriage certificate. Apparently Ohio's marriage certificates are, compared to other states, really boring looking. After several phone calls and a lot of talking we were told it wouldn't work, basically, it wasn't official looking enough for our immigration officer. We were able to pay a fine and make it work, but we will need a more 'official looking'  marriage certificate for the next extension. We are going to try to get one of those 'hang on the wall/souvenir licenses' from the probate court and hope that it will look plenty official. Pray with us for favor with our next trip and that all goes smoothly. (We will post in our Whatsapp prayer group again next time we go to immigration.)

Recently I (Adam) and Lucas had the opportunity to attend a worship session at Bright Romance church. After the service, a group of 10-15 asked us to share something to encourage them. (Their hunger for the Lord is amazing!) With our limited Thai and the help one one girl who speaks pretty good English we shared about doing life with God instead of just doing good for God. Many of them were really touched and encouraged. Before we knew it we had spent 4 hours praying and sharing with them. (Above is a photo from that night)

Prayer Requests

- Pray for the Worship Nights, that God would continue to bring people and that He would highlight to us specific people to pursue outside of this time.

- Pray for us as we continue to adjust to life as a family of three.

- Pray for us as a team, that we would have clarity and direction as we grow together and make decisions. To prioritize the ideas and plans of God and not just our own.

- Pray that we would connect with the right Thai tutor and that we would have grace for learning and studying.


We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop (We also try to post our IG stories on Facebook Stories) 

Much Love, 

Adam and Kayla Coupe 




March Update