February Update

Friends & Family,

We got a house! We've been back in Bangkok for about 4 weeks now and we have jumped into this season full force. Searching for a house, reconnecting with friends and community, doctor appointments, climbing a mountain of admin work for our visa, getting a new house and looking for a car have made the past few weeks fly by. We definitely feel that we experienced some spiritual opposition over the past few weeks and really appreciate those who have been praying. Your prayers worked and doors have been opening and things are coming together. We are excited for what this season holds in so many ways. (We have a WhatsApp prayer group where we post more current and specific prayer needs. Let us know if you would like to be added to the group and we will be sure to do so.)

We are now just two weeks out from Jubilee's due date and we are starting to get settled into our new home and get last minute things together as we wait for her arrival. We could not be more excited to meet our sweet Jubilee!

Our new home! 3 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Bathrooms. We feel so thankful to have room to grow and build community!

We just moved into our new house this past weekend. Our house hunt although exciting was honestly stressful and confusing at times. We felt a lot of opposition when searching and multiple leads dead ended which led us to feel pretty discouraged. We ended up sitting down and praying together about it and while praying Adam got a picture of our house with a banner over it saying "It is good". We took that as confirmation and it has been smooth sailing since that point. Praise Jesus!

Our house is really nice, and in the same neighborhood where our friends and fellow Iris Missionaries, Lucas and Sara just also found a house. We believe it will be a huge blessing to be so near them, building relationship and team with them. Our house (unlike many) was completely unfurnished so we have been very busy shopping around for good deals for furniture essentials. Adam has been an absolute rockstar getting (literally) everything done and getting us moved and settled in the new house.

We spoke more Thai than they did English so it made for an interesting and somewhat humorous time shopping for a mattress.

It feels good to be back and getting re-settled. There are lots of exciting things happening with our home church and other ministries and missionaries we are connecting with. We are thrilled to be a part of what God is getting ready to do here in Thailand. We are feeling very blessed by all the friends and church family here in Bangkok reaching out to support us as we prepare to welcome Jubilee.

Adam signing the lease(Top Left). Getting settled into our new home(Top Right).
Our friend Lucas helping us move (Bottom Left). Checking out the hot water heater while house hunting(Bottom Right).

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for Kayla's labor and delivery, that everything would go smoothly and that we would have a healthy baby and mama and an awesome birth story.

  • Through a connection with our pastor here we were able to find a car that we really like! We are in the process of paper work currently to make it ours. Pray that this process is seamless and quick.

  • Pray that we would continue to have doors for ministry open and that the Lord would direct us on where He wants us in this season.

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop (I (Kayla) also try to post my IG stories on Facebook Stories)

Much Love,

Adam and Kayla Coupe


March Update


January Update