November Update

Friends and Family,

We have exciting news! Thailand's borders have opened up!

This is a huge answer to prayer and we are so thankful for all you who have been praying! Getting to Thailand is still pretty complicated, but it is possible, which was not the case for us up until a week ago. We have been praying and seeking the Lord about how to proceed, and we feel Him saying "Go!". So we are trusting that He will open all the doors and make a way! We know that He has called us to this beautiful nation, so we have no doubt He will make a way. The paperwork and number of crazy hoops we will have to jump through will take time and work, so we are pursuing a goal of leaving in early January 2021 for our new home in Thailand! 

We would appreciate your prayers for BIG favor and wisdom as we work out details on flights, choosing a location for our 14 day quarantine in Thailand, getting our visa applications approved and getting negative COVID-19 tests!

With Giving Tuesday coming up on December 1st, we've felt the Lord impressing on our hearts that this could be a neat opportunity to reach out to our friends and family and share some of our financial needs, like language school, general moving costs, etc., as we launch to Thailand. So be looking out for that next week and feel free to share it with anyone as you feel led. 

We are so so excited, we can't wait to get to Thailand! We are in awe of God's faithfulness and the beauty of His timing. Above all, we desire your prayers! A lot needs to happen over the next several weeks, and we need lots of favor and grace! 

We would absolutely love to connect with you over coffee or Zoom. We'd love to share more about what our lives in Thailand are going to look like, and what it might look like for you to be a part of our support team. Give us a call, shoot us a message(Facebook, Instagram) or send us email!

  • Financial Partners
    Having monthly financial support helps us to be sustainable and able to do things like create a budget and plan for the future as well as finance our ministry.

  • Prayer Partners
    We firmly believe that having prayer partners is powerful and vital part of us being successful and staying long term on the mission field.

Much Love,
Adam and Kayla Coupe


January Update


October Update