What an exciting month! We welcomed our newest team member, Mallu Baptista. We love her so much already and she and Sara are both doing well. We spent three days taking care of Tito while Lucas, Sara and Mallu were in the hospital.  We had fun imagining what it would be like to have two kids (kudos to all you parents of multiple kids!). 

Jubilee got to meet her first family member when Aunt Grace came to visit. We had a blast for the last two weeks taking Grace to malls, markets and showing her what our life looks like here in Bangkok. She got to experience Worship nights and attend Neuma Church and Bright Romance Church. She said her highlights were trying all kinds of yummy food and meeting all of our friends. 

This month we hosted three worship nights in our home, Adam led Sunday worship at Neuma Church and also led at Bright Romance for their Tuesday night worship session.

We have also been a part of training sessions for an upcoming School of Evangelism. We as a team will be staffing the school. We are also attending meetings for the upcoming Gospel Truck Crusades and planning to help and participate with them. God is doing big things in Thailand, the harvest is ripe and we are thrilled to be a small part of seeing this nation come to know Jesus as their Savior. 

β€œFor where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20 

uick Testimony

Life in Thailand is just plain unpredictable. Sometimes for us and our western mindsets, it's really hard to accept that things change at the last minute, start AND run late and rarely go how you expect them to. But because Jesus is so good at taking our yes, even if its a weak and frustrated yes, and doing something amazing, often things end up being better than what we were had planned. Last Friday was an example:

We were feeling a little discouraged about our worship night. It didn't seem like many people were going to show up and we just weren't feeling the excitement and momentum we usually do. Sure enough, 7:30 rolls around and only three people to show up. We try not to feel disappointed and end up having  a sweet time of worship and intercession. We were wrapping up, when, two hours late, our front door opens and in come two of our friends Gap and Oat with two more of their friends.

Adam and I looked at each other thinking "what we should do now?". We quickly regrouped and went back into a time of worship still unsure of what the evening would look like. Half and hour later (now 10:00 PM) four more people show up. We again have a moment of 'what now?'. We worship for a few minutes more and then organically and sweetly it became of time of us praying and prophesying over each visitor. It was one of those times where God's voice was clear, the words were hitting home and we were all caught up in the kind and close presence of the Holy Spirit.

It was around 12:30am when everyone left. It was certainly not how we expected our night to go, but it was better and sweeter than anything we could've tried to plan ourselves. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for the upcoming School of Evangelism we will be staffing, that God will raise up Thais who are called to reach their nation for Jesus. 

  • Pray for our team as we begin the process of becoming an official Iris location. Yay!

  • Pray for the Gospel Truck Crusades-- that the logistics would come together and for the right churches to partner with in each city. 

  • Pray for wisdom and clarity as we grow our team and ministry. 

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop. We also try to post our IG stories on Facebook Stories) 


