September Update

Friends and Family,

Thank you all so much for praying with us about finding the right doctor and also for connections for our next visa solution. Both of these prayers were answered just in the last couple weeks and we are feeling so thankful! 

Having a baby is an adventure and doing it in another country just makes it more of one! Everything has been going great, but we just did not connect well with the doctor we first started seeing and by the 3rd appointment we decided finding a new doctor was the best way forward. We decided to see Dr. P who was highly recommended as well. He practices at the same hospital we started at and after our first appointment with him we are so glad to have found him. As we've mentioned before, the culture of medical care here in Thailand can be quite different than in the West, but Dr. P made us feel so reassured, confident and heard. In typical pregnancy fashion Kayla actually cried tears of happiness at finding a Doctor that feels like a great fit. Thank you Jesus!

At the appointment everything with Baby and Mama looked great, we got to hear Baby Coupe's heartbeat (the most beautiful sound in the world!) and we scheduled our next appointment where we will find out if Baby Coupe is a He or a She! So be on the lookout for that exciting news next month! 

We've also made big headway on getting our Missionary Visas. We made a connection with a foundation here in Thailand called COC (Christian Outreach Centre) through a couple at Neuma Church. One of COC's many functions is to help missionaries acquire the visas they need to stay in Thailand. Getting long-term stay visas in Thailand is not easy or cheap, but COC's foundation has a strong, long standing relationship with the government and is very experienced with the visa process. We had an interview with them and are now working on our visa application process. COC is familiar with Iris Global, and has very similar values and visions as we do, which is an amazing blessing. Under COC we will be free to do whatever ministry we feel called to do, but we will operate in Thailand under the umbrella and covering of the foundation. 

This also confirms our plans to travel to the US at the end of the year as we have to be physically present at the Thai Embassy in New York to officially apply for the visa. 
We are super excited to get to see family and friends during our visit. We will be sending out information soon about a date for a gathering to see and connect with all of you and share more. 

We are officially in our last course of Thai, which feels crazy! We are in a Level 2 Reading and Writing Course and Adam is absolutely rocking it. Writing in Thai can only be compared to doing (complicated) math equations (the reason why (I) Kayla, am slightly less than rocking it, haha).

Things continue to open up here and we are hoping that we will be able to have in person church soon. We are enjoying being able to get out and see friends more. With Visa applications, finishing up Thai, Baby preparations and preparing for our trip home we are feeling busy, but in such a good way. 

Another big step is finding a house to rent. Our little apartment has been wonderful for this season, but as we expand our ministry and welcome a baby we will need more space. Please pray for favor and wisdom to find the right house in the right location for the right price. God has been providing for us so well since we arrived here and we know He will do it again. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray that everything will go smoothly and quickly with our Visa Application process.

  • Pray for favor and wisdom as we begin our house search.

  • Pray that Mama and Baby Coupe both continue to do well and stay healthy.

  • Pray with us for Thailand and the Thai people, that their hearts would be opened to Jesus.

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop (I (Kayla) also try to post my IG stories on Facebook Stories)

Much Love,

Adam and Kayla Coupe


October Update


August Update