October Update

Friends and Family,

The month of October flew by and was filled to the brim with completing our last official Thai class, meeting with friends, making new ministry connections, serving on the worship and children's teams at Neuma Church, buying plane tickets (!!) and finding out that Baby Coupe is a GIRL!! We are so thrilled and can't believe we are already half-way to meeting this sweet baby GIRL!

As we move into the month of November there has been an almost tangible shift in the atmosphere here in Thailand. Things are opening up, people are ready to get back to normal. Our Church will be starting services in-person soon, ministries are starting up outreaches again and Thailand is preparing to open up the country.

We have been praying and seeking the Lord in this shifting and we feel him asking us to step forward and have faith for what is next. We are finding a deep conviction to pursue community and discipleship as well as partnering with some awesome ministries already doing great work with families in the slum communities of Bangkok. One big step towards facilitating discipleship and community building is finding a house that is easily accessible by public transport and large enough to accommodate a group. Please pray and believe with us for the the right house and the finances for it.We are feeling the Lord prompting us to have faith for more than what seems logical or possible.

Adam leading worship Sunday at Neuma Church

We are so excited to be coming back to the U.S. to get our new visas and best of all, see all of you!

Everything is moving forward well with our new visas and we feel super grateful and thankful! We are bummed to be leaving just as opportunities here in Thailand are arising and doors opening, but we trust Jesus' timing and it will be amazing to be back in the U.S. for a visit.

We have planed a night to connect with all of you! On Wednesday, December 8th, 7pm at Northstar Church in Loveland.We want to see you, give hugs and share a little of what the Lord has done and what we are are anticipating for our future in Thailand.All are welcome!

We had a great time trying traditional Thai desserts with friends.

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray that November would be full of God connections and opportunities and that we would be able to soak up and invest in all we can before we leave for our trip.

  • Pray for Baby Girl Coupe, that she would stay healthy and strong and that she and Kayla would tolerate international travel well.

  • Pray with us for Thailand and the Thai people, that their hearts would be opened to Jesus.

We love hearing from you, if you'd like to reach out you can just reply to this email. If you are interested in seeing more of our daily life please follow us on instagram @kaylacoupe and @coupetroop (I (Kayla) also try to post my IG stories on Facebook Stories)

Much Love,

Adam and Kayla Coupe


November Update


September Update